Natural Technology

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Natural insecticides against whiteflies on Tomato Plants

Whitefly pests are causing serious problems in the Spanish tomato crops, especially due to the transmission of viruses such as Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV). Hence the importance of combating this problem through an integrated management that includes effective natural insecticides against whitefly on tomato plants.

In order to keep the whitefly population at bay, integrated pest management is the best method of action. Its objective is the rational and efficient control of pests and diseases, minimizing the amount of residues in the products to be harvested. It is necessary combine cultural measures, biological control and phytosanitary treatments, with priority of natural ones versus chemicals.

Farmers do not find it easy to find specialized, effective natural formulations that do not leave residues in the crop, but they exist.

The best natural insecticides against whiteflies on tomato plants

Insecticidas naturales contra la mosca blanca en tomate

Among all the natural insecticides against whiteflies on tomato plants, Nakar product stands out given the good results it has demonstrated in trials and in commercial application, and given its high specialization. It is a biopesticide that presents excellent contact control of soft shell insects in all stages of development and especially of the whitefly in tomato.

Its state-of-the-art formulation gives it the ability to penetrate and fragment the lipoprotein matrix of insect cell membranes. The disruption of the membrane causes the evacuation of the cellular contents causing the dehydration and death of the insects.

Given its natural origin and its compatibility with the action of the natural predators and parasitoids of the whitefly is an ideal tool for Integrated Pest Management (IPM), so that the insecticide's power is combined with the biological control action.

Along the same lines, Pirecris, an insecticide based on natural pyrethrins, is made with co-formulants of botanical origin, totally natural, so it does not use Piperonil Peroxide (PBO) as synergist. Its formula is patented.

Advantages of the natural insecticides against the whiteflies on tomato plants

1.- No security deadlines

These natural insecticides do not have safety period. In fact, both Pirecris and Nakar can be applied even the day before harvesting.

 2.- Resistance management

Optimum result in resistance management strategies.

3.- Efficacy in all biological stages of insects

Although their efficacy develops over all biological stages of insects, the insects are more vulnerable to the effects of the active substance in its immature stages of development and non-flying phases.

 4.- Wetting effect

The fact that whitefly populations are placed on the underside of the leaves conditions the effectiveness of the products that act by contact, so it is advisable to use wetters.

However, Nakar has achieved a potentiating and wetting effect, so that it improves adhesion in spray applications. Moreover, it increases the adhesion of other treatments because it decreases the surface tension of the water and increases the contact surface, as well as the contact time between the pathogen and the applied active material.

 5.- Avoid molasses and bold in the crops

The whitefly secretes a species of molasses that hinders the growth of the plant because it interferes with photosynthesis and causes less vigor and, therefore, a worse quality in the fruits. This molasses favors the attack of the fungus that causes the bold in leaves, flowers and fruits, and also reduces the photosynthetic capacity of the vegetable and its respiration, depreciating the quality of the harvest, but also hindering the penetration of phytosanitary treatments.

Besides its potential as a natural insecticide, Nakar contributes to the cleaning of these molasses produced by attacks of sucking insects such as the whiteflies, in a way that avoids the fatal spread of fungi. In the same way, Nakar cleans the bold formed by the fungi.

6.- Efficiency comparable to chemicals

The different tests carried out with the bio-insecticide Nakar have shown that the efficacy of this natural insecticide equals the reference chemical in whitefly control, with the added value of not leaving residues and being suitable for integrated and ecological production.

In the last study carried out by researchers at the Technological Park of Almería (Tecnova) on integrated control of whitefly on greenhouse tomato, results confirmed the high efficiency of Nakar on immature and adult populations of this pest, cutting off their biological reproduction.

The synergy of this product with the action of Pirecris was conclusive in the control of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci.